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Prayer of the Heart

a retreat series that coincides with each liturgical season

Prayer of the Heart is an experiential workshop and retreat on prayer and Christian meditation.  Within the series, there is one workshop for each liturgical season - Lent, Ordinary Time, Advent, and Easter. Each workshop incorporates meditation on the scriptural texts of their respective Mysteries of the Rosary and an introduction to the ancient practice of the Jesus Prayer. 


Retreatants will have the opportunity to reflect on scripture, experience guided visualization and meditation, listen to centering music, journal, and share with a small group or partner.


The retreat can be presented at the larger parish level, smaller ministry groups, young adult groups, or for faculty/staff enrichment.

an experience for each season

a light in the dark

a person for others

Say yes to god

awake in the glory

Liturgical Season

"A Light in the Dark" - Lent


Based On

the Sorrowful Mysteries  


Themes Explored

Forgiveness & reconciliation, brokenness and healing, faith & trust in God.

Liturgical Season

"A Person for Others" - Ordinary Time


Based On

the Luminous Mysteries  


Themes Explored

Discipleship, community, and discerning God's call to serve, the fruits of meditation.

Liturgical Season

"Say Yes to God" - Advent and Christmas


Based On

the Joyful Mysteries  


Themes Explored

growing in intimacy with God; living as a vessel of God's love; saying "yes" to building up the Kingdom of God

Liturgical Season

"Awake in the Glory" - Easter


Based On

the Glorious Mysteries  


Themes Explored

Resurrection and new creation

in Christ, faith, gifts of the

Holy Spirit.

"I was so moved by the retreat I am now attending a twice monthly meditation group in our parish started by Ellie. She is a wonderful teacher and is guiding us all into a closer relationship with God."

- Gloriann, Parishioner, Our Lady of Lourdes - Tujunga


recommended setting

Your Parish.


who should attend

Parishioners looking to gain a deeper understanding of the liturgical seasons and learn how meditation can enhance their prayer and reflection


Full Day: $500

Half Day: $300



Full Day: $15 per person
Half Day: $10 per person
This cost includes any food the host provides, as well as the journal we provide.


Full Day:

9am - 4pm
Includes continental breakfast, lunch, and two breaks*


Half Day:

9am - 1pm Includes continental breakfast and two breaks*

integrating music

Music is a beautiful way to create a prayerful setting for meditation and opens the heart to God’s loving presence.


Through the years, the Lord has inspired me to compose songs as an expression of my love for Him. I share these songs during meditations, retreats, and workshops, in the hope that my music can serve as a catalyst to help others experience the depth of God’s love through prayer and meditation.


Although I have defined logistics for each program that I offer, please keep in mind that I am dedicated to working with you to develop a Christian meditation program that is best suited for your community. I am happy to discuss with you how we can customize a program to fit your needs. My priority is simply to help you share the gift of Christian meditation with your community.


Questions for me? Please feel free to reach out at any time.




Meditation programs to  rejuvenate your community's faith experience, foster self-awareness, and deepen relationships with God and others.


213.369.5650 |  | 

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​© 2018 by Ellie Ragonese Prayer & Music Ministry. Designed by Nina Ragonese.

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