breathing in god
a short workshop for educators and ministry leaders
Breathing In God: The Heart of Christian Meditation is an experiential workshop on prayer and meditation designed to provide faculty, staff, and ministry leaders the opportunity to “come aside and rest a while” in quiet prayer and reflection, and to respond to God’s invitation to “be still and know I am God” (Psalm 46).
sample topics
Meditation: The Practice of Silence and Peace
Meditation: The Practice of Listening
Love: The Fruit of Meditation
Embracing the Mystery of God
Meeting the Risen Christ
Martha, Mary, or Both?
why educators?
"As a high school religion teacher of over 25 years, I have witnessed how the inner transformation Christian meditation brings about enables faculty and staff to have deeper interactions with students and families - interactions built on acceptance, balance, and empathy." - ELLIE RAGONESE
recommended setting
Faculty/staff Prayer Breakfast at school or church
In-service on school campus or parish grounds
Workshop for college retreat leaders
Works well included as a segment of a larger program
Starting at $100.
who should attend
Faculty, staff, and ministry leaders looking to bond with their colleagues and, in deepening their own spiritual journeys, guide those they educate in forming theirs.
Minimum 1 hour workshop
“Ellie eloquently brought her gift to our entire faculty last school year by leading our interfaith group in a monthly meditation prayer breakfast. I imagine Ellie led us as Jesus would. She met us where we were, respectful of each individual’s journey, simply and naturally inviting us to open our hearts and respond to Him. It was a blessing to us all. ”
Religion Teacher, Liturgy Coordinator
Bishop Alemany High School, Mission Hills, CA

integrating music
Music is a beautiful way to create a prayerful setting for meditation and opens the heart to God’s loving presence.
Through the years, the Lord has inspired me to compose songs as an expression of my love for Him. I share these songs during meditations, retreats, and workshops, in the hope that my music can serve as a catalyst to help others experience the depth of God’s love through prayer and meditation.

Although I have defined logistics for each program that I offer, please keep in mind that I am dedicated to working with you to develop a Christian meditation program that is best suited for your community. I am happy to discuss with you how we can customize a program to fit your needs. My priority is simply to help you share the gift of Christian meditation with your community.
Questions for me? Please feel free to reach out at any time.